About SCS
In late February, the International Mathematical Union announced a format change: the International Congress of Mathematicians would meet virtually and not in-person. This canceled the in-person portion of the scientific program, including the portion for short communications and posters.
Soon after, the Satellite Coordination Group was formed to revive the scientific program in virtual form (more information here). On March 30, the Short Communications Satellite (SCS) publicly announced a call for contributions, both of content and of volunteer effort in reviewing.
Many responded and submitted PDF entries in slide set format and poster format. An entry had to go through a preview stage, then a review stage involving five or more members, and a selection and final revision stage to make it to the "Poster Room". We want to hear your opinions about the entries and about the SCS: vote here.
Information about SCS members is here.
For more of the intent and process of the SCS, visit here. For information about future SCS events, please email scs.vicm2022@gmail.com. After July 15, further remarks can be found here.